Don’t Stalk the Monkeys or Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come for You?

This isn’t funny anymore.

In the last week we’ve had reports of two different monkey friends being aggressively stalked and followed while they are trying to hide items. In both of these cases they had young children with them.

This is NOT cool.

It is dangerous for those hiding items because they may run, trip or slip and fall trying to get away. They do not know the intentions of the stalkers/followers and if they will be robbed or harmed (or their children harmed).

Why would you terrorize someone with small children who is just trying to give a gift to the community?

It is also dangerous for those doing the stalking because you never know when you will follow the wrong person who may decide to defend themselves by whatever means are necessary.

We don’t want people scared, we don’t want people hurt.

If you are one of the stalkers STOP IT, if you know one of the stalkers tell them to STOP IT, before something bad happens and/or you/they ruin this for everyone else. You’re already taking the joy out of this.

If any OHMs, monkey friends or rogues are stalked and followed and you rightfully fear for your or your children’s safety, please DIAL 911 IMMEDIATELY!

Sadly yours, NM and friends



Breaking Monkey News! (and your questions answered)

Greetings fellow snow monkeys. The year of the pig is going into the record books. This snow will cause an extended season; some shines haven’t been hidden yet and many won’t be found until the “great thaw”.

We want everyone to have fun, be safe and yes… TAKE ONLY ONE!

We’ve been asked to clarify some things:

What does “take only one mean?”

This means one glass orb or medallion per person/couple/family. Don’t be a monkeyshine hog (not even in the year of the pig) you ruin it for everyone else.

If you find a second monkeyshine, please re-hide it “in the wild” (not in a friend’s yard or business) for someone else to stumble upon in a moment of serendipity.

What is a “Rouge Monkey?”

Rogue Monkeys are artists and community members who in the spirit of monkeyshines give back to their community by creating or sourcing the current lunar new year or monkey themed gifts to hide.

Rogue Monkeys are independent but often work with us.  While they do make their own rules, Ms Monkey does ask that they not post specific locations for their hides to send people racing to find them.  It’s all about serendipity, that unexpected joy filled find, that monkeyshines is all about.

What is an “Official Hider Monkey?” (OHM) (not to be confused with howler monkeys, unless there is a full moon)

These are the artists and organizers, some of whom who have been with the group since its inception in 2003/2004. They are the ones hiding the glass orbs, medallions and art created by other monkeyshines artists including, but not limited to bottles, coins, buttons and pottery.

OHMs are ALWAYS anonymous (OK, sneaky). They should NEVER tell people that they are an OHM, what they are doing, when monkeyshines are going out and never where they are being hidden.

OHMs should ALWAYS hide official monkeshines in public places on public property, not their friends’ yards or businesses.

OHMs should NEVER give monkeyshines to friends or tell people where to find them.

What’s this I hear about changes?

Sadly, over the years we’ve dealt with an increase in stalkers, hoarders and a few OHMs we didn’t know well than joined our ranks as Monkeyshines grew who have engaged in activity that uncool, unfair and violates the spirit of MonkeyShines.

To deal with this:

We will be tightening the ranks of OHM’s to original, long time and known trusted people.

We will change up the location of our Monkeyshine distribution center (no invite, no admittance or box of monkeyshines).

We will change up the dates in which Monkeyshines go out. Even with putting some out early and others out late, we’re still having too many issues with stalkers and hoarders.

I’ve joked about this in the past in hopes that people would behave better but it hasn’t worked, so now we actually are changing dates.

New guidelines for OHM’s including not hiding all (or even most) of their shines in “the usual places”.

We’ve created a MonkeyShine Hotline to report hoarders, stalkers and OHM’s gone bad.

What’s the MonkeyShine Hotline?

Sadly, not only have we had to deal with hoarders and stalkers but OHM’s that could not be trusted to follow the rules/spirit of Monkeyshines.
Click Here to send mail to the Monkey Shine Hotline

If the hyperlink doesn’t work on your device, the email is

What should be reported?

Anything that violates the spirit of  monkeyshines making it less fair or fun.

Hoarders who collect as many orbs and/or medallions as they can and deprive others of the opportunity to find a monkeyshine

People selling glass Monkeyshine orbs or medallions online

Official Monkey Hiders who aren’t following the rules and hide orbs or medallions in friends yards, give shines to their friends, and/or tell people where to find monkeyshines

Official Monkey Hiders who post hints/locations/photos on line.

Stalkers who follow monkeyshine hiders around. This is creepy, dangerous and ruins the fun for others.

What in the heck is MSIU?

MSIU – Monkey Special Investigations Unit as pictured above has been created to handle the “wrong” kind of monkeyshines and to keep it fair and fun for everyone.

     PI Monkey: An actual professional investigator, PI Monkey and their crack team will work to bring bad monkeys to justice using modern technology and the ancient art of poo flinging.

     Tech Monkey: Knows all about IP and MAC addresses, EXIF data, online fencing of ill gotten gains and is a wiz at breaking email and social media code.

     Forensics Monkey: An expert at footprints, fibers and getting DNA samples from errantly shot snot rockets and hair caught in trees and bushes (in the case of bad monkeys, fur).

     Stalker Monkey: That crazy ex that always seems to be able to find you, yeah… they work for us now.

     Special Forces Monkey: Also leads the crack team of Ninja monkeys. An expert in physical security and surveillance who can leap tall hedges in a single bound, climb to rooftops and dive under bushes, this is the “brawn” of the operation. You can run but you can’t hide.

And of course, we all report to Ms Monkey, the brains of the outfit.

Thank you for helping us keep Monkeyshines safe, fair and fun.





We love you Tacoma!





Good Night Tacoma. We Love You!

It’s been quite the celebration and it’s time for cold Snow Monkeys to get some sleep.

There are plenty of MonkeyShines of all kinds waiting to be found. They did not all go out this morning, so don’t give up hope (heck, you might find something from previous years) we will continue to put them out in waves over the course of next two weeks or so.

Monkeyshines was originally intended for people to find art in an act of serendipity and we want that to happen for people. They won’t all be hidden in high traffic, popular hunting grounds. Some will be on side streets, back alleys, schools, churches and perhaps just around the corner, a street or two down from a popular hiding spot. Some are thrown into the Sound, who knows when and where those will wash up.

It’s not too late for new rogue monkeys or monkey friends to get in on the act to help bring some light and happiness into a dark season and to celebrate our community.

You can learn about the  monkeys including many of our rogue and monkey friends and see what they are doing here:

When you are looking for people to thank, thank Ms Monkey who devotes an amazing amount of time and energy year round on this and who has paid out of her own pocket more than once. If it were not for her, Monkeyshines not have happened at all, more or less be running on a second 12-year cycle. And of course, we want to thank the Tacoma Arts Commission who helps sponsor this labor of love.

Remember, take only one.

Please, consider giving back.

Please, be kind to one another.

Please be safe and have fun.

Good night Tacoma, we love you!


Hey… Hey… We’re the Monkeys…

One of our most commonly asked questions… “Who are the monkeys?”


No!  Not those guys!

We’re not a long haired British pop band from the 1960s.

We are local artists and lovers of all things Tacoma.  Our identities are secret-that is part of the magic of Monkeyshines.

Ms Monkey:  The “head honcho”, “big cheese” and “brains of the outfit”.  She does everything from blowing glass to handling finances to providing hiding monkeys with hot chocolate at “0′ dark monkey” and taking out the trash.  Trying to reign in naughty monkeys takes some time as well.  She can be bribed with Mimosas (but only one) and also enjoys throwing monkey balls into the sound and other large bodies of water to make them hard to get.

If you’ve ever hidden, found or enjoyed Monkeyshines; it’s because of Ms Monkey who works tirelessly behind the scenes year round to give this annual gift to Tacoma.

Mr Monkey:  We don’t see much of him, but we know he exists and he is THE Mr Monkey. He created the first ever Monkeyshines stamp and has done a lot of behind the scenes work.

Brass Monkey: Is a metal artist who creates our stamps the old fashioned way by pouring hot metal with his cohorts.

King Louie: Is another metal artist who also creates stamps in a high tech way.

The Great Ape:  This heavy hitter contributes a lot of glass and we love his big glass balls. He also helps by getting and organizing volunteers.

Hot Monkey and the Hot Shots (Team Hot Monkey):  This monkey spends hours in the hot shop teaching and helping young monkeys create glass art for the project.  She leads a crack team of glass blowers.

Generous Monkey:  Creates beautiful bottles with messages inside to share inspiration, laughter and joy with those who find them.

Saki Monkey:  Creates 200 special ceramic saki cups most years (she claims they are teacups, but we all know better)

Zen Monkey: Another ceramic artist who creates pots for the project.  Often with lovely Chinese symbols on them, what will this year’s be adorned with?

Muddy Monkey and Dizzy Monkey:  They love to play in the mud and create ceramic medallions and other lovely items.  They spin so much they sometimes get dizzy.  What they have in store for you this year is extra special.

Bonzo: helps organize distribution and will be spreading some surprise monkey cheer.

MisAdventure Monkey:  Specializes is rallying the troops, and herding cats on unplanned adventures. Her motto is “We’re not lost, we’re on an adventure”.

Mini Monkeys: A secret teams of special monkeys creating art, jokes and poems to place in the message bottles.  (don’t tell anyone I spilled the beans, but they are from Grant Elementary School and they are awesome! I read some of their jokes and almost wet myself.)

Ninja Monkeys: Our elite security team.  They are constantly on the lookout for monkeshine stalkers are are ready to alert the hiders via short wave radio.  They have expanded their surveillance to include monkeyshine hoarders.  They are experts at the ancient monkey art of poop flinging. Remember, take only one.

Hider Monkeys: Year after year, under the cover of darkness, our team of specialists creates just the right balance of easy finds for the kids, and hard finds that may be located years later. They can climb trees, leap over walls in parking lots in a single bound and dive to hide under bushes at  moment’s notice.  They also know other ways to fool monkey stalkers.

Naughty Monkey: Creates art, spills secrets and flings poop at anyone stalking monkeys on their rounds.  Regularly has to ply Ms Monkey with mimosas (but only one) and beg forgiveness for the spilling secrets part. Usually found stirring up trouble.

Honorary and Rogue Monkeys

Marble Man:  We all LOVE marble man.  You may find a single tiger eye, or a carefully crafted jar full of lovely marbles. Like the first robin of Spring, Marble man is often the first sign of MonkeyShine time.

12th Man Sisters:  We love these girls and their Hawks inspired polymer clay creations.

Moonsnail:  The one who leaves lovely shells and other gifts from the sea for others to find.

Brick Monkey: Makes fabulous creations out of Legos, he originally wanted to be called “Stud Monkey” but Ms Monkey wants names/hints/etc… to be free of innuendo to keep things kid friendly. Dude is built like a brick…. lego house.

Laser Monkey: Makes amazing laser cut coins and medallions. In  his spare time, he cheers up kids who are in the hospital and stalks other monkeys.

Fancy Monkey: likes to switch things up every year to keep things fresh and has hidden prints, paintings and sculptures. Who knows what she’ll do next? Fancy is a spontaneous adventurer who enjoys walking off the beaten path.

Two Button Monkeys: These monkeys don’t just create fun buttons, they involve local elementary school students in creating art and giving back. The Button Monkeys make weird noises when under pressure to be funny, love libraries, books, reading and Tacoma.

Mermaid Monkey: Hides 3-D printed creations. She’s a nerdy mermaid who likes to party. Yes! Mermaids are real!

Monkey Thing 1 and 2: Create wearable art on lanyards and have been known to consume mimosas at brunch after hiding art.

Mrs. Magnetic Mama: Creates magnets (duh) out of glass and clay (hint, check out metal poles and benches). She’s a former competitive soccer player and toured through Europe. Don’t stalk her (or any monkey) when she’s hiding; she can really kick.

SmartA$$ Monkey: Makes wearable items out of Swarovski Crystal and sterling, helps TacomaBuilt and hides lots of kid goodies.

TRocksMonkey: and her family hide painted rocks, pictures and other fun goodies. They are experts at pretending to be seekers and not hiders. They also know who has been naughty (unkind to others) and who’s nice.

BrownsPointMonkey: has been told that his luxurious salt and pepper beard rivals that of a great pirate captain. He shows (mostly) NE Tacoma a lot of love by hiding key chains, coin necklaces and mystery shiny things.

MadEye Monkey: Is a clumsy, creative rouge monkey handcrafting magnets & Jewelry in the South end; their hobbies include giving back while picking up trash, hiding, finding & beautifying.

Silly Irish Monkeys: Hide glass wine bottles, glass items based on the theme of the year (and monkeys of course) and kid bags with stuffies, stickers and marbles in them. They end the monkeyshine season with a shot of Jameson and a cold Guinness every year (the littles get root beer) and really are Irish.

Auspicious Monkeys: Hide bracelets, necklaces and a few sparkly Ganesha figures. They are all about global kindness, self expression & a little saltiness.

Wood Monkeys: are members of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa tribe, Dad is a traditional Native American wood carver. Their shines are all made of, you guessed it… wood!

CrystalMonkey: She and her family are hiding Chinese finger traps (how many of you got stuck in one this year?), paper fortune cookies, safety pin charms, painted pennies with snouts, and fortune fish. They are a military family who chose to return to Washington State because they love Monkeyshines that much.

Midnight Monkeys: Make fiber art, knit and needlework creations. They love midnight snacks and midnight stashing, midday stashing works too!

Middle School Monkeys: Another team that comes from the Jason Lee Hotshop (see team Hot Monkey). They hide small pieces of glass and are really good at sneaking around.

Decal Monkey: Creates custom stickers and decals to hide. When not lurking around Tacoma after dark, she is crazy enough to show dogs in dog shows (for FUN).

CheekyMonkey: Is a cheeky rogue monkey with some fun goodies to share. Being cheeky, they are going to let us figure out for ourselves exactly what it is they are hiding. Sneaky cheeky monkey!

WannaBeShiny Monkeys: Make good luck knots, block print art cards and water color paintings. They have a cat who looks like a croissant when curled up who becomes an angry croissant when they call her that.

The GuessWho Monkeys: Create and hide handmade key chains. They love our city and life.

Polaris Monkey: hides gold and sliver 3D printed items and has performed in front of thousands of people at Benaroya Hall.

LuluMonkey: Proves that you don’t have to be an artist to get in on the fun and give back; she hides fun items related to the year (and chocolate coins YUM!). She does fitness dance and is a doggie lover.

Produce Monkey: Can be found around town with Marble Man hiding marbles and other goodies. In her spare time, she’s working on her work work balance.

monkey kiss

There are many more monkey friends and supporters. We couldn’t do with without YOU!


















When Pigs Fly and Monkeys Chill

 Gōngxǐ fācái 恭喜发财 / 恭喜發財 Tacoma!

It is the “Year of the Pig”


It is also the “Morning of the Freezing Monkey”


All kidding aside dear friends, it is extremely cold out there. It is currently 18 degrees Fahrenheit, and some parts of Tacoma are reporting 7 degrees with wind chill.

Roads and sidewalks are icy, and it is very easy to become hypothermic or get frostbite in this weather, PLEASE do not risk your (or anyone else’s) personal safety for a MonkeyShine.

Yes, a good number went out this morning, but more will be coming over the next 2-3 weeks.

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Rogue monkeys have been busy and there are more wonderful gifts to be found this year than ever. I will be featuring monkeys in another blog post tonight or tomorrow.

Share your finds on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #MonkeyShines2019

Be Safe, Have  fun, and remember….  “TAKE ONLY ONE”

To Snow Monkey, or Not To Snow Monkey… That is the Question…

Woah!   We monkeys have been going back and forth between sweating in the hot shop and freezing our tails off…

The question on everyone’s mind is “Will MonkeyShines happen if it’s snowing?”

It’s already been happening and it will continue to happen. We quit making it a single drop a long time ago so that more people can find a piece of glass in an act of serendipity  as was originally intended; that can’t happen if the shines are all scooped up by  “hunters”on one day.

If you haven’t found one yet, that doesn’t mean you won’t, if you don’t find one when you think they are supposed to go out, that doesn’t mean you won’t.  We drop over the course of several days, sometimes weeks and even months later.  Monkeyshines are often found years later (especially the ones Ms Monkey throws out into the sound that take a while to float back, she has way too much fun doing that)

And don’t forget all of the amazing things that our monkey friends and rogue monkeys are creating.  It gets better and better every year.  The best part of this Tacoma tradition is how everyone is out exploring our city,  making new friends, picking up trash and thinking about what they can create and share with others. How will you give back?

Check out the #monkeyshines2019 hashtag on Twitter for real time updates on what monkeys, monkey friends and rogue monkeys are creating and hiding; You can also find that hashtag in use on Instagram and Facebook. You can also follow a certain Naughty Monkey @ANaughtyMonkey on Twitter at

Do you think finding a shine in the snow will be easy?  Think you can follow tracks?  Think again. Monkeys are like Ninjas, we don’t leave tracks.  Also, snow buries things. Also, monkeys have a sense of humor and might leave tracks that head off in the wrong direction.

Please don’t forget the cardinal rule, “Take Only ONE” if you find one, then another one that you like better, please rehide the first.

This year, please make sure you and your littles and elderly family members are warm enough, wet gloves or socks can cause frostbite.  Make certain you have good traction on your warm boots. The streets and sidewalks are icy and will stay that way for at least then next week to ten days.

We love you Tacoma!

Who’s EXCITED!!!

We monkeys are excited and now that those silly human holidays are done, we’re gearing up for the best holiday (because it comes when we need it the most) MONKEYSHINES!!!



Not only does Monkeyshines come at a dark and dreary time of year, but it is a time for Tacomans to gather together, make friends, get exercise and maybe, just maybe find a piece of art in an act of serendipity.

More important, our monkey friends gather together to leave their own creations to share with the community. glass, pottery, jewelry, poetry, polymer clay, photographs, marbles and many more.

People meet their friends and neighbors, pick up trash and make Tacoma a friendlier place.

The more love, art and community the better!

What will YOU do for Monkeyshines?

Not an artist? Don’t like the cold? Love glass? Love the monkeys?

Become a monkey friend, get a limited edition piece of glass and know that you are helping this tradition continue in our fair city.

year of the boar

It’s Not Over – We Love You Tacoma!

It’s time for this Naughty Monkey to sign off for the season and get some rest. (and believe it or not, to start planning for next year)

MonkeyShines 2018 is not over, far from it.

We learned many years ago not to put all our shines into one basket (or a single day) we spread the love out over the course of several days and sometimes weeks.

This naughty monkey often leaves shines out months after the “big event”. I also know that Ms Monkey loves to toss shines into the water, you never know when those will wash up… (sometimes years later)

You see, this is not a “competition” or a “treasure hunt”, no matter how much some people treat it as such. MonkeyShines was created by Ms and Mr Monkey and friends to be a gift of serendipity to the community, to show love to Tacoma and to bring cheer during dark times in a dark season.

One of our greatest joys is when someone finds a Monkeyshine when they aren’t expecting it; this why so many are hidden off the beaten path in obscure places and on other days than “the big drop”. Our goal is to to bring joy and love to the community.

Even greater than that, is when we see all of our monkey friends giving back themselves, creating art or finding fun things to hide for others to find, often days and weeks before and after Chinese New Year.

We see you Tacoma.

Over the years, and especially this 12-year cycle, we’ve watched the movement grow as more and more community members become rogue monkeys and monkey friends themselves.

As we are in the bushes, back alleys and shadows of the streets of Tacoma we are watching. We are watching your excitement, your joy, you and your neighbors meeting and making new friends. We see the smiles on your faces, the sense of camaraderie and community. We see you share, we see adults who desperately want a monkeyshine instead allow a young child to “find” it. We see you picking up trash, sharing the joy and reminding others to take only one.

With this final post for this year, we wish you, Gong hei fat choy”  and a happy Year of the Dog.

Our wish is that the spirit of Monkeyshines continue throughout the year; be kind, give back, love your community, make new friends.

And don’t forget to keep your eye out for treats still to be hidden this year and hidden in years past still waiting to be found.

We love you Tacoma.


MonkeyShine Time in Rhyme… (I’m a poet and you didn’t even know it)

Every year I hear the whine…

Where can I find a monkeyshine?

They may not be where you think they should…

alleys, side streets, right in your hood…

Look high, Look low…

Look everywhere you go…

on land, in water, up in a tree…

they are meant to be a moment of serendipity…

If you don’t find one now, don’t shed any tears…

They often remain for many years…

While looking right now is great and fine…

They don’t go out all at one time…

While out and about, see what you can do…

pick up some trash and make a friend or two…

Ask yourself what can you create and share…

to show your community how much you care?

Remember this well, Don’t be a bum…

Be kind to your neighbors and take only one…

Tails (and tongues) are wagging…

OMM! (That’s Oh My Monkey)

That darn Ms Monkey has been a slave driver this year,

I haven’t been able to get away from the bench long enough to post any sneaky updates.  But if Ms Monkey thinks that chaining me up in the hot shop will keep me from Ms Behaving (see what I did there?) She’s got another thing coming.  (and that other thing was a big Mimosa-that distraction always works 😉

Because she’s been such a slave driver, we have more glass than ever this year!!!  And of course other rogue monkey treasures)

Here’s a teaser of what you may (or may not) see in the next week or so…

Remember the golden rule of Monkeyshines


Please do not stalk, follow or harass monkeys.  This will cause the monkeys to stop hiding and go into hiding themselves, ruining the fun for everyone. (when threatened, monkeys fling poop, you don’t want that)


Think of what you can do to contribute, give back to the community.

Make/hide something
Make a new friend
Pick up some trash


Post your finds on, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #monkeyshines2018


Monkeyshines is not a treasure hunt, it is meant to be a gift to the community, in which these lovingly handcrafted gifts are hidden to be found in a moment of serendipity.

and don’t forget…