
Monkeyshines began in 2003 when a group of artist friends got together to create some guerrilla glass art to anonymously hide around Tacoma for people to find as a gift of serendipity to brighten and bring some joy to a dark season during a year that had been difficult for a lot of people.  They were originally shooting for Christmastime/Winter Solstice, but weren’t able to get around to it until around the time of the Lunar New Year, early January 2004. The year of the Monkey.

Since then, Monkeyshines has grown with more glass and more diverse art, and as of 2016 began its second 12 year cycle of anonymously hiding glass art stamped with the sign of the Lunar New Year.

In addition to glass orbs and medallions, dozens of community members have taken on the personas of “Rogue Monkeys” and hide their own art and/or lunar new year  themed gifts to the community.

What Monkeyshines is:

A gift to the citizens of Tacoma, meant to bring joy by being found in a moment of  serendipity.

An invitation to explore our lovely city and make new friends.

An opportunity to give back: bring a trash bag to pick up trash, be kind to others, and create or source your own monkeyshines for others to find.

What Monkeyshines is not:

A treasure hunt

A competition

A popularity contest

Something to profit from (personally or business)

The Rules (WAIT! There are rules?)

Take only one (per person, per couple, per family)

Don’t stalk or follow hider monkeys

Take only one

Be kind to others

Take only one

Explore our lovely city

Take only one

Make friends

Take only one

Find a way to give back

Take only one

Be Safe

Take only one

Have fun

and yes, you guessed it, don’t be a monkeyshine hog (not even in the year of the pig) TAKE ONLY ONE!